


个人学术主页/Personal web page:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fang_Yu15


2010年10月-2013年9月:日本神户大学, 系统科学,博士(导师:Toshiya Kaihara)

2009年9月 -2010年9月:东南大学,控制理论与控制工程,博士国家公派读博,导师 孙长银

2006年9月 -2009年7月:河南科技大学,控制理论与控制导师 张海涛


20169-至今 beat365官方网站,beat365官方网站,讲师

20144-20168月: 东南大学自动化学院,博士后

20139月-20143月: 神户大学情报科学学院,学术推进研究员



1. 自动化码头的协调调度与优化; 

2. 多智能体系统;

3. 最优化理论;

4. 绿色供应链网络优化;




2017 Journal of Cleaner Production2017年度优秀审稿人





1. 期刊论文/ Journal Articles:

  1. Fang Yu*, Chun Zhang, and Yongsheng Yang, An incentive mechanism based negotiation model for green supply chain networks, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2020.
  2. Fang Yu*, Yongsheng Yang, and Daofang Chang, “A complex negotiation model for multi-echelon supply chain networks”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 66(2), pp. 266-278,2019 (WOS:000465230100011)
  3. Fang Yu*, Yongsheng Yang, and Daofang Chang, “Carbon footprint based green supplier selection under dynamic environment”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 170, pp.880-889, 2018. ESI高被引SCI收录号:WOS:000414879300080 IF5.715
  4. Fang Yu*, Lei Xue, Changyin Sun:” Product transportation distance based supplier selection in sustainable supply chain network”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 137, pp.29-39, 2016. (SCI收录号:WOS:000391079300004IF5.715)
  5. Fang Yu*, Toshiya Kaihara, Nobutada Fujii, Changyin Sun, and Wankou Yang:” A multi-attribute multi-item negotiation mechanism of supply chain networks between buyers and sellers”, International Journal of Production Research, 53(20), pp.6143-6160, 2015. (SCI收录号:WOS000359906600008, IF2.325)
  6. Fang Yu*, Toshiya Kaihara, and Nobutada Fujii: "Multi-agent based multi-item negotiation of supply chain network using game theory", IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 133(9), pp.1663-1669, 2013.  (EI收录号:20134116824963)
  7. Fang Yu*, Toshiya Kaihara, and Nobutada Fujii: "Hierarchical-game based multi-attribute negotiation of supply chain network", SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, 6(2), pp.88-95, 2013.  
  8. Fang Yu*, Toshiya Kaihara, and Nobutada Fujii: "Hierarchical-game based negotiation protocol for effective supply chain network ", Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 26(4), pp. 138-146, 2013. 
  9. Yongsheng Yang, Meisu Zhong, Haiqing Yao, Fang Yu, Xiuwen Fu, Postolache Octavian, Internet of Things for Smart Ports: Technologies and Challenges, IEEE INSTRUMENTATION & MEASUREMENT MAGAZINE, 21(1), pp.34-43, 2018. SCI收录号:WOS:000424468600010
  10. Lei Xue, Changyin Sun, Donald Wunsch, Yingjiang Zhou, Fang Yu:” An Adaptive Strategy via Reinforcement Learning for the Prisoner’s Dilemma Game”, IEEE/CAA JOURNAL OF AUTOMATICA SINICA,PP(99), pp:1-10,2017. (WOS:000418885500030)
  11. Lei Xue, Changyin Sun*, Fang Yu:” A game theoretical approach for distributed resource allocation with uncertainty”, International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics., 10(1), pp.52-67, 2017. (EI收录号:20171103431700)
  12. Haitao Zhang, Fang Yu*, Li Wen:" Step-coordination algorithm of traffic control based on multi-agent system", International Journal of Automation and Computing, 6(3), pp. 308-313, 2009. (EI收录号:20094012358779)
    2.会议论文/Conference papers
  1. Fang Yu*, Yongsheng Yang, Chun Zhang, Daofang Chang, An incentive mechanism for the negotiation of green supply chain, CCDC2018.( EI收录号20183205650372)
  2. Fang Yu*, Lei Xue, Changyin Sun:” An incentive-based supplier selection mechanism to support the green supply chain networks”, 2016 12th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), Guinlin, June 12-15, pp.2175-2180, 2016. (EI收录号:20164302935023) (Oral)
  3. Fang Yu*, Toshiya Kaihara, Nobutada Fujiiand Tomoni Nonaka: "A complex negotiation model under the equal negotiation power for multi-echelon supply chain networks",  ISCIE/ASME 2014 International Symposium on Flexible Automation, Awaji-Island, Hyogo, Japan, 14-16 July, 2014.  (Oral)
  4. Fang Yu*, Toshiya Kaihara, and Nobutada Fujii: "Coalition formation based multi-item multi-attribute negotiation of supply chain network", Procedia CIRP, 7, pp.85-90, 2013.  (EI收录号:20133816762965) (Oral)
  5. Fang Yu*, Toshiya Kaihara, and Nobutada Fujii: "Game theory based multi-attribute negotiation between MA and MSAs", Emmanouilidis C., Taisch M. and Kiritsis D. (Eds): IFIP AICT 398, pp.535-543, 2013.  (EI收录号:20134817024376) (Oral)
  6. Fang Yu*, Toshiya Kaihara, and Nobutada Fujii: "A multi-agent based negotiation for supply chain network using game theory ", J. Frick and B. Laugen (Eds): APMS2011, IFIP AICT 384, pp.294-303, Springer, 2012. (Selected & Revised)  (EI收录号:20125015790679) (Oral)
  7. Fang Yu*, Toshiya Kaihara, and Nobutada Fujii: "Coalition formation based multi-item negotiation of supply chain network ", The 55th Japan Joint Automation Control Conference, Kyoto, November 17-18, pp.155-160, 2012. (Oral)
  8. Fang Yu*, Toshiya Kaihara, and Nobutada Fujii:: "Hierarchical-game based negotiation for supply chain network", The ASME 2012 International Symposium on Flexible Automation, St. Louis, MO, USA, 18-20 June, 2012  (EI收录号:20140417235533) (Oral)
  9. Fang Yu*, Toshiya Kaihara, and Nobutada Fujii:: "A game theory based negotiation for the supply chain network The optimal settings of supply chain  structure ", Proceedings of the 56th Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers (ISCIE), Osaka. May 21-23, pp.69-70, 2012. (Oral)
  10. Fang Yu*, Jingmei Zhang, and Changyin Sun: “Consensus of multi-agent systems based on controllability under leader-follower topology", 2010 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), Jinan, China, July, 2010. (EI收录号:20104313325333) (Poster)
  11. Tomomi NONAKA, Toshiya KAIHARA, Nobutada FUJII, Fang YU, Takeshi SHIMMURA, Yoshihiro HISANO, Tomoyuki ASAKAWA, Employee Satisfaction Analysis in Food Service Industry - Resultant of Questionnaire to the Restaurant Staff - , Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Serviceology , pp.9-15 , September, 2014
  1. 江苏省博士后科研资助计划项目,1402022C,2014/11-2016/04,2万,已结题,主持。
  2. 江苏省博士后日常资助项目,2014/11-2016/04,1万,已结题,主持。
  3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61503079、基于饱和受限的多个体系统鲁棒一致性问题研究、 2016/1-2018/12、20万、已结题,参加。
  4. 国家自然科学面上项目,61573103、无线多信道信息物理融合系统中调度与控制的分布是协调设计、 2016/1-2019/12、64万、已结题,参加。
  5. 日本科学技术振兴机构社会技术研究开发中心(JST/RISTEX)研究开发项目,基于共创设计环境变动适应的service模型的构建、2013/10-2014/3,参加。
  6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61004043、基于T-S模型的时滞抛物型分布参数系统的模糊控制、 2011/1-2013/12、19万、已结题,参加。
  7. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61004046、随机广义时滞系统的鲁棒H_∞控制和滤波、 2011/1-2013/12、19万、已结题,参加。
  • 中国自动化学会 系统工程专业委员会 会员
  • International Journal of Production Research 审稿人
  • IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management 审稿人
  • Journal of Cleaner Production 审稿人
  • Advances in Mechanical Engineering 审稿人
  • Production & Manufactruing Research 审稿人



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